Conduct at all times must be strictly in
accordance with the Rules and Regulations of The Football Association and the
Rules of the Plaister Autos Wiltshire League.
As Secretary of your Club, you are
responsible for all its business with the League.
In all cases, where a reply to correspondence
is required, a stamped and addressed envelope should be enclosed.
In addition to the League Handbook, Club
Secretaries should ensure that they possess a copy of the current Handbook of
the Wiltshire County Football Association.
Ensure that Registration Forms are fully and properly
completed ….. FULL names and addresses are required.
The Club Secretary must countersign each Registration Form.
No other signature will be accepted unless prior arrangement has been
made with the Registration Secretary … and then only in exceptional
The Registration Secretary must receive Registration Forms by
no later than 7.00pm on the day before the match. This will not be
Please note that, in order to be eligible for the first
match of the season, a player’s Registration Form, properly completed,
must be received by the Hon Registration Secretary by no later than 7.00pm
on the Wednesday prior to the first Saturday of the season and who’s
completed registration counterfoil has been received by the Club prior to
Please also note that the registration deadline for Cup-ties
is 14 days prior to the date of the match.
You will receive acknowledgement slips back quicker if you
enclose a stamped, addressed envelope with Registration Forms.
Before registering a player, who is serving in any of HM
Forces, ensure that you have complied with the appropriate Rule of The
Football Association.
Only use Registration Forms supplied. Photocopies will
not be accepted. Forms can be obtained free of charge from the Hon
Registration Secretary. Forms will only be posted to Clubs who provide an
appropriately stamped and addressed envelope.
Transfer Forms are obtainable from the Registration
Secretary. Again, please send a stamped, addressed envelope. The Transfer
Fee is £10 per player.
Registrations and Transfers close on 31st March.
Please check the availability of your ground prior to the
start of the season ….. especially Clubs who share with Cricket Clubs, etc.
Please inform the Fixture Secretary immediately if your ground is
unavailable. Don’t wait for publication of the fixture lists.
The fixtures given to you at the Annual General Meeting are
“pilot fixtures” only. Fixtures are sent out on a monthly basis. However,
alterations are often made to these in order to maximise the weekly fixture
list. If your monthly fixtures are changed, you will usually be notified
(via telephone or e-mail) on the Sunday or Monday ….. but the League does
have the right to make fixtures later in the week.
If you require a postponement (eg: for a wedding,
etc), contact the Fixture Secretary and give him at least 8 weeks notice.
If you have a match postponed (for any reason), the Club
postponing the fixture must telephone the Fixture Secretary without delay
and then confirm it in writing, on the (green) Postponement Form provided.
The Postponement Form must reach the Fixture Secretary within 3 days of the
postponement. Please note that the Postponement Form also acts as a charge
sheet and the Discipline Sub-Committee will decide whether the reason is
acceptable and whether any disciplinary action will follow.
Referees are allocated to fixtures and are noted on the
monthly fixture lists.
The home Club must contact the Referee (and Assistant
Referees if applicable) at least 48 hours prior to the match to confirm the
fixture, ground location, kick-off time, etc. If there is a change to the
allocated Match Official(s) please contact the Referees’ Appointments
Secretary (01672 512438) for the updated appointment.
Referees have to report to the ground 60 minutes prior to
kick-off in the Premier Division (or 45 minutes in Divisions 1 and 2) and a
representative of the home Club must be there to meet them, show them to
their changing rooms, etc.
Please ensure that the Match Officials’ changing rooms are
clean and tidy (not cluttered up with line marking equipment, etc).
Please provide the Match Officials with refreshments at both
half time and full-time.
Remember to indicate how much you paid the Referee (and
Assistant Referees if applicable) on the bottom of the Result Sheet.
Expenses are pooled at the end of the season.
A representative of the home Club must be at the ground 60
minutes prior to kick-off in the Premier Division (or 45 minutes in
Divisions 1 and 2) to greet Match Officials.
Team Sheets must be exchanged with both the Referee and your
opponents 45 minutes prior to kick-off in the Premier Division (or 15
minutes in Divisions 1 and 2). Please note that shirt numbers worn by
players must correspond with numbers shown on the Team Sheets.
Substitutes: A player who leaves the field of play, for any
reason, must not take part in another match until that in which he commenced
is concluded.
Pay the Match Officials their fee and expenses after the
Alcohol must only be consumed in a Club House. It is the
responsibility of all Clubs to ensure that spectators do not consume alcohol
adjacent to pitches before and during play.
Results of all matches must be telephoned in to the Results
Secretary (07979 204612) within 30 minutes of the conclusion of a match.
You must also telephone in the result of matches played in any Competitions
outside of this League, eg: County Cup Competitions.
Result Sheets must be sent to the Registration Secretary and
received by him within 3 days of the match (postmark will be noted). Please
write the full names of all players. Home Clubs must include the amounts
paid to Match Officials. There are separate Result Sheets for Cup-ties.
There are separate sheets for the marking of Referees.
League Rule 7(B)
states that all Member Clubs must belong to an Injured Players Insurance
scheme. Clubs shall produce a copy of their Insurance Certificate to the
General Secretary of the League, before the commencement of each playing
season. All Clubs are warned that should a fixture be postponed due to
non-compliance with this League Rule, the Club concerned will be held
responsible for the postponement.
First Aiders
League Rule 7(C) states that all Clubs in membership of the
League must have a qualified First Aider in attendance at all matches. The name
of the designated First Aider must be included on the Club Details form and
submitted to the Hon General Secretary by 1st July.
All League fees must be
paid by 1st August.
If you do receive a
fine, please pay it promptly. Failure to do so will result in additional fines
being imposed and could result in your Club being suspended.
Draws for the KO Cup Competitions will be circulated throughout
the season. The Hon Fixture Secretary will arrange Cup-ties to suit fixture
lists. There is no “Cup weekend”. If a Cup-tie is postponed, the Fixture
Secretary will rearrange it ….. it is not automatically rearranged for the
following weekend.
If you have any queries or need advice
on any matter, please contact a League Officer
Afternoon kick-off
times will be 3.00pm during August, September, October, March, Apriland May.
2.15pm during November, January and February and 2.00pm during December; or as
shown on the Fixture List.
may mutually agree to earlier
kick-off times; in which case the
Home Club
will be responsible for notifying the Hon Fixture Secretary and the appointed
Match Official(s).
August, September and April, evening kick-offs will be 6.15pm or earlier if
mutually agreed, unless played under floodlights; in which case the Home Club
will be responsible for notifying the Hon Fixture Secretary and the appointed
Match Official(s).
All Clubs are asked to take special note that the procedure, for making a claim
for expenses, will be as follows:
(i) The
claimants shall write to the defaulting Club within seven days of the date of
the cancelled fixture (excluding Sunday), giving full details of the expenses
being claimed. A copy of such letter to be sent to the Hon General Secretary.
(ii) The
defaulting Club shall, within seven days of receiving such claim, reply to the
claim by:
enclosing a cheque or postal
order in full settlement of the claim
declaring that the claim is
in dispute
A copy of this reply is
to be sent to the Hon General Secretary.
Rule 12(E)
The following guide lines have been formulated
by the League Management Committee in order that every club may play its full
part in deciding the ultimate winners and to ensure as far as possible that all
disciplines are included by the award of points as follows:
(a) By Referees - a maximum of ten points to
each team for the sportsmanship and self-discipline shown by all players and
officials before, during and after each game.
(b) By all member Clubs - a maximum of ten
points to each of their opponents for the sportsmanship shown by their players
on the field of play and for the courtesy and efficiency shown by their Officers
before, during and after the game.
The total marks gained from each of the above sections shall
be added together and the Club (team) gaining the highest total of marks shall
be declared the winners of the Trophy.
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